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What is Bardo Training – testimonials

What is Bardo Training?
Here is what some folks say about what Bardo Training is for them:

gotta love that question. let’s see.
the training of the deep self, essence, (perhaps the body of habits) to react in eternal situations where things are so much different than in a planetary organic time-slowed-down environment. creating “good” habits in order to carry one “through” the so-called “ambushes”.
in turn these habits would make it possible to chose one’s own time and place of greater work necessity in which to take up an “existence’. – EF, Spain

Bardo training is the cultivation of abilities of the voyager to move smoothly through spaces at will and to do so in coordination with a party. – EP, Ca, USA

Basic bardo training is a series of experiments and experiences that help a human recognize that they are a Voyager in multi-dimensional realities by developing the attributes of presence, attention and attitude (Awareness). TM, NY, USA

Bardo training is a kind of preparation for death. The practice itself, however, is immediate. Bardo training takes place in the here and now and the only way to begin training is to agree with one’s self that it is worthwhile to be in the present moment. Then the more deeply one goes with this commitment, the greater the demands become for a special kind of attention. The attention is required to attend to immediate circumstances which may include realities on several levels. Bardo training is, in effect, tuning into the multidimensional nature of the present moment, seeing, not believing, that life and death are a cycle that revolve within one moment that is forever-becoming an ever more expansive reality, and experiencing a Self that is not shackled to an old or shallow identity. Bardo training is simply seeing a bigger picture. Not just once, but having one’s vision transform to a vast and beautiful ever-changing matrix where everything is connected and everyone is reflected. Bardo training is learning to maneuver within that matrix, sometimes stumbling and sometimes dancing, with ever-deepening compassion and humility. In the end, hopefully, this practice will give the practitioner the skill set and the heightened being-attention required to navigate the bardos after death and choose consciously the next birth. LC, England

Es entrenamiento para atravesar el estado entre-vidas, una oportunidad durante la vida para hacer cambios en el cuerpo de habitos que me ayudarán a convertirme en algo capaz de servir en el Trabajo.
No se cual es la intencion de esta pregunta pero mientras la respondo no dejo de preguntarme por que diablos no participo mas, y mas intensamente, en este entrenamiento.
Gracias por el recuerdo. AR, Spain

the bardos is place between worlds and bardo training is to help us navigate when we get there. Training in our attention and presence as we wont have a body there.( not this physical one any way) so we need to learn what to do and to to not get scared and not to end up at rebirth station . how to cope in odd situations and how to work there ETC – JR, Ca, USA

Bardo training is trying to set up conditions in which you can address the body of habits. In a more or less safe environment where you might be able to see what’s actually going on outside and inside yourself. See if there is a mood, thought or reactions. A chance to take a step out of the normal and have your eyes open somewhat. A chance to see the teaching happening at the moment. Be a part of the transmission. A chance for the attention to focus. – KM, Fl, USA

Bardo training is the art of training the essential self how to move and transition as well as remain conscious through the Macro dimensions. It is also a way to instill habits that will be useful to the Macro dimensional voyager. – PJ, Ca, USA

For me is to see how I do the things, my reactions, feelings and thoughts when I’m in different situations in my ordinary life.
And after I can see it, try to make different answers in connection with the exercices I read in E.J.’s books.
For example:

  1. How I feel in a airport, train, new city
  2. How I react in a unexspected situation
  3. Try to be present when I don’t like some situation
  4. How I feel when I’m ill
MR, Spain

Bardo training is a means of centering while expanding options, developing skills, and if fortunate enough to participate with others in a scenario setting, learn of your own weaknesses in order to choose better working habits. – BA, Ca USA

Es una muy buena manera de entrenamiento de la maquina para el manejo del estres y de la atencion para el momento del terminus y la travesia por los bardos. it is a very good way to train the machine to be able to handle stress and manage the attention at the moment of terminus and the passage through the bardos.  – MZ, Tenerife, Spain

To build the body of habits.(1) I understand the body of habits as those “habits” we should have after life – JP, Portugual

Bardo training is the opportunity to observe one’s “human” reactions to situations of voluntary stress and to hone one’s attention through the pursuit of an established goal in the face of adversity and distraction in the (apparent) company of fellow travellers on the Path. It’s: “Wake up, or die, dude!” – PB, Spain

Bardo training tests my ability to pay attention to obvious and not-to-obvious information. To keep track of what others are doing, and to find out what fits with the group activity. What can I do at this moment that recognizes what is needed?
The sort of training I have undertaken with this group tends to push me to an edge — where it is not easy to remember (is it ever easy?) that a body is being inhabited (mine) and things are happening to it not within my control. Breathing, hand movements, twitches — most of this is missed, but occasionally there is a reminder to not only stay in tune with others, but to see if it is possible to notice the tune of my physical space. – ED, Canada

I think it is something like preparing, as much as possible, for the time of transition after the death of the hbm, to be in the best condition possible to be able to confront what happens there without panic. To practice handling situations, surprises, shocks, whatever is happening, and to do it as elegantly as possible. To learn to recognize all phenomena as illusion, not to be attracted or repelled, not to make any sudden moves and to have habits that help one through it. – KF, Spain

It is about learning how to work with other beings, relearning How to accomplish tasks in a group. Doing that task over and over again so that it becomes second nature. Loosening the grip of one’s machine habits — modifying the body of habits. Becoming crisper. It is a meditation.  – DF, Ca , USA

Bardo training takes a variety of forms: it can be helping someone else prepare for the bardos, it can be practicing entering the waking state, or it can be learning to accept whatever happens. When I started attending meetings 25 years ago, I had no idea that what I was doing was bardo training. Bardo training can be disguised as something else. Learning to tolerate transitions is also bardo training. I remember when I first took the Reader’s Course for the American Book of the Dead, I had a dream where I walked along a street filled with unusual buildings that looked like stage sets. In the dream, I said to myself: I must be in the bardos. That’s when I realized that I had taken bardo training. – RT, NY, USA

Pues creo que es eso, un entrenamiento, como bien dice la palabra, una preparacion a situaciones que no encontramos en la vida ordinaria. En la vida ordinaria, y mas en el mundo occidentalizado, todo es hacia fuera, para la maquina, se da poca importancia al interior, al ser. Los entrenamientos en los bardos nos ayudan a vislumbrar nuestros habitos, esos que quedaran cuando la maquina ya no este. Es una oportunidad para poder “cambiarlos” a otros habitos que sean utiles y podamos ser utiles nosotros al Trabajo, que al fin y al cabo es lo importante. – AP, Spain

Para mi el bardo training es un entrenamiento que me ensena a moverme en los bardos, es decir diablo son dos horas intensivas de estres en las que puedo ver como me manejo en esos casos, observo, aprendo a moverme de una forma mas cuidadosa y atenta, a entrenar la intucion, a escuchar, etc. muchos de esos habitos ya se han trasladado a mi vida ordinaria por eso me he dado cuenta de que esta siendo todo ello un entrenamiento para moverme en los bardos, lo que no se es si alguno traspasara la barrera de la muerte.
I’ve responsed in spanish to give you an spontaneuser ansewer and to not surf the web. Now I will try to translate it:
For me bardo training is a training that teachs me to move into the Bardos, I mean, diablo consists in two intense hours of stress where I can see how I handle the situation in these cases, I observ and learn to move myself in a carefully and attentively way (I try) , I train the intution, I learn to listen, etc. Some of the habits I work with in diablo have already been transfered to my ordinary life and therefore I`ve realized that the result of all this, is being a training to move me well into the bardos, but what I don’t know yet is if this training-habits will broke the death barrier.
… Thanks, for that, so simply and so powerful at the same time. – CS, Tenerife, Spain

Entiendo teoricamente que es una forma de habituarnos a un estado de plena atencion consciente y a no ser reactivos (no hacer movimientos repentinos, todo fenomeno es ilusion…) en unas circunstancias de estres… En la practica he experimentado algo parecido solo en Reno. Durante las partidas de safaris solo consigo ponerme nerviosa, reaccionar ante todo, y pasar un buen rato con gente querida, pero no he conseguido aprender nada atil desde el punto de vista del trabajo…creo.
in theory i understand that it is a way to become used to a state of full conscious attention and to not be reactive (not to make any sudden movements, all phenomena is illusion) in circumstances involving stress. – MA, Spain

Bardo Training…. the opportunity to see our tendencies in certain spaces, where there is no chance for us to think… so, “training”, being used to those spaces, developing new habits useful for the bardos, so we can “trust” them to guide us through… exercising attention, and in my case, not panicking 🙂 –  HM, Spain

Observar habitos mecanicos de la maquina biologica y practicar hábitos esenciales principalmente mediante videojuegos. – Mois, Spain

Bardo Training is preparation. Preparing one for the bardo. I am supposing the training is both for the here and now…in this moment, and for the moment of death, plus the voyage/journey which follows the death of the physical/biological machine.
The training is appropriate for the here & now, because, at least theoretically, one is in the bardo now. Unfortunately the visions and sounds are subdued and made safe and paletable by the life in a human machine. The conditioning of our social imperatives, biological urges and consensus reality all contribute to a rather unreal reality. Thus, the bardo training can prepare one for the ‘afterlife adventure’ following the death of the machine, but, as stated, this training can affect the preceptions and experience of the life confined by the machine.
Whether the training is in the form of Diablo or a drawing or a “work” exercise, they seem to dismantle some of the dirt accumilated on perceptual lenses…once some of the dirt is washed away, one must be prepared for a cleaner and more raw view of the reality present…
time is up!!!!!!!!!!!!  – FS, Il, USA

I think that Bardo training is the development during our lifetimes of essence habits that will get us thru the bardos after death and into a good rebirth. Habits must be developed — it will not help to increase ego-based learning or mental constructs, ideas, etc. because all that will get stripped away with the loss of the organic machine. The only thing that will survive terminus will be the essence and its habits. Thanks for the question. -Andy, AL, USA

Bardo training…is practicing for life after the body breathes it’s last breath. Being, living without a body. This practice we can do while we are still alive, building good habits which we can take with us beyond death. Bringing up our attention and presence in the here and now…as much as we are able and especially under stressful conditions.To practice “maze brightness” as to directions to go, and not get ambushed. – JB, Canada

For me there are two different aspects to Bardo Training.
On the one hand Bardo Training is the playing of Diablo as an introduction to the totality of general Fourth Way ideas related to self-perfecting, as well as a practical “simulation” and “application” of these same ideas.
On the other hand Bardo Training is the self-created, self-initiated and self-imposed “rituals” and “routines” an individual applies during the course of their “ordinary life” to achieve the same ends but within the “immediacy” of Time and Space as they are presently experiencing it. – GB, OR, USA

Bardo training is any environment that one enters with the intention of preparing oneself for the bardos. It can encompass self training to a limited degree by the way one might intend to treat a space, interaction, dream, event. Ultimately though, one must throw oneself at the mercy of others to create a space that will provide the shock and ambush one needs to really observe and test our response to the unknown/unknowable, the choices that we make and the results those choices yield. The creation of those conditions I prefer to leave to professionals. – JG, CA, USA

Bardo training is a training that through taking a person/ group through different life scenarios encourages the voyager to develop useful habits or as begining to understand or observe habits and behaviors which are not useful to working in a group or traveling through different transitional states. the training uses very stressful simulations to develop in the voyager an ability to work as a team and perhaps performs different levels of service to ones group. Go POG! – MS, CA, USA

Bardo training is preparation for the body and identity to separate and whatever is not body to separate. It is also training to be able to handle the sensations, thoughts, visions that accompany the after death state. It is training to work as a group. – NS, Canada

A method to create tendencies (and finally habits) that can be equipment at the moment of a full bardo experience. Thank you, – DG, Tenerife, Spain

Bardo Training is any form of spiritual training through a variety of methods and tools, tangible or intangible, explainable or not, that occurs between a teacher and a student or group of students that assists in the student’s ability to travel well through the bardos whether the bardos be in the current so-called life plane or before/during/after the terminus of the body student currently inhabits. At a certain point, one does not need to be physically present with the teacher to receive the training if one is perceptive and recognizes the signs of the teaching. – KD, AZ, USA

In the end bardo training could be developing a set of habits or attitudes for relating to life itself on this earth plane.
its only remotely related to the stuff, (don’t get attached, even have a plan for discarding stuff for the more appropriate).
don’t take the skills aquired to personally. – GB, VA, USA

El entrenamiento en los Bardos es en mi opinión el entrenamiento del Estado entre Vidas, donde he pasado la mayor parte de mi vida. Esta diseñado para aprender a pasar los Bardos sin sentirme arrastrado por mi personalidad, hasta que sea capaz de desarrollar mi Presencia al punto de convertirme en un Servidor en la Obra del Absoluto. Mi Presencia,esta atrofiada por el desproporcionado crecimiento de mi personalidad, y considero en extremo útil la vivencia de sostener Mi Atención en mi Interior todo el tiempo posible, hasta desarrollar en Mi la capacidad de poder ver Objetivamente desde esa perspectiva. Creo que de los dos caminos posibles para realizarlo he tomado el mas difícil, la Auto-Observacion. – FM, Paraguay

Bardo training is a programme or training system in the bardos, which is the space in which we are. Computer tools are used, like D2, TF2 and GODD in order to develop and learn skills which will allow us to function better. Through these tools i think it is possible to acquire, modify certain habits, mainly to learn to function in a group and to be of service to something higher than ourselves. – Mena, Spain

Bardo Training es una practica que trata de descubrir los habitos acumulados en nuestra esencia, con el fin de eliminar aquellos que son in̼tiles o perniciosos para una vida consciente tras la muerte organica, sustituyendolos por los que pueden ser valiosos en el laberinto de las macrodimensiones, asi como para el Trabajo. РArmando, Spain

In my opinion, Bardo Training is Between Lives training, a place where i have passed the greater part of my life. It is designed to learn to pass through the Bardos without feeling dragged down by my personality, until I am able to develop my Presence to the point of becoming a Server of the Work of the Absolute.
My Presence is atrophied by the disproportionate growth of my personality and I consider it extremely useful the experience of maintaining my Attention on my Inner Being as much as possible, until I develop in Myself the capacity to be able to see Objectively from that perspective. I think that between the two possible paths to reach this end I have taken the more difficult one, Self-Observation.
El entrenamiento en los Bardos es en mi opinion el entrenamiento del Estado entre Vidas, donde he pasado la mayor parte de mi vida. Esta disenado para aprender a pasar los Bardos sin sentirme arrastrado por mi personalidad, hasta que sea capaz dedesarrollar mi Presencia al punto de convertirme en un Servidor en la Obra del Absoluto. Mi Presencia,estaatrofiada por el desproporcionado crecimiento de mi personalidad, y considero en extremo util la vivencia de sostener Mi Atencion en mi Interior todo el tiempo posible, hasta desarrollar en Mi la capacidad de poder ver Objetivamente desde esa perspectiva. Creo que de los dos caminos posibles para realizarlo he tomado el mas dificil, la Auto-Observacion. – FM, Paraguay

Bardo training es un entrenamiento para despues de la muerte, para conocer tus habitos y poderlos cambiar antes de morir. – Ceci, Spain

Sinceramente, no sabria definirlo con propiedad ni exactitud. Probablemente mi respuesta resulte un tanto superficial, vaga, inadecuada o incompleta, pero por lo leido, lo hablado, lo escuchado, lo intuido:
“Es una forma de prepararse para el momento de la transicion, cuando se produzca la muerte del cuerpo fisico, una manera de conocer lo habitos de la maquina, asi como de crear habitos para viajar, cuando no nos encontremos dependientes del cuerpo fisico, y para encontrar la manera de hacer que el estrés de la muerte no sea tan abrumador, por no hablar de darte cuenta de la necesidad de hacer algo no por ti solo, sino formando parte de algo que es mayor que tu mismo …”.
PD: Quizas, alguien o algo pueda necesitar mi ayuda, en algun momento del espacio y tiempo, pero para eso necesitaría tambien una preparacion, alguien que me indique como puedo ser util, aunque los juegos de ordenador no son algo que me entusiasmen, y mis responsabilidades con la vida cotidiana producen una falta de constancia y persistencia en la práctica.
Os agradezco toda la ayuda que estais ofreciendo, y pido perdon por no poder involucrarme mas. Siento gratitud, respeto y amor por todos vosotros, y deseo poder colaborar con la Ensenanza. ¡Que Dios me ayude! – JM, Spain

Bardo Training es una practica que trata de descubrir los habitos acumulados en nuestra esencia, con el fín de eliminar aquellos que son inútiles o perniciosos para una vida consciente tras la muerte organica, sustituyendolos por los que pueden ser valiosos en el laberinto de las macrodimensiones, asi como para el Trabajo.
Bardo Training is a practice which tries to reveal the essence’s accumulated habits, with the goal of eliminating those which are wasteful and destructive to a conscious life after the death of the organic, and substituting those which could be valuable in the labyrinth of the macro-dimensions, as well as for the Work. – Armando, Spain

Preparing ourselves through the use of online gaming for the bardos which are here and now as well as after death. Working in D2 has enables me to see those habits which cause me difficulty in elegantly voyaging through life – fear, pride, greed, all the deadly sins. Believe me, they are deadly. Once observed I can work with them to change them into opportunitues for self-remembering. – JM, California

El bardo training es el entrenamiento que nos da la posibilidad de adquirir habilidades y habitos para manejarnos de una forma mas eficaz o “elegante” en los bardos cuando hagamos el transito, o en cualquier momento. Este entrenamiento se puede hacer con diversas herramientas, los juegos como diablo es una de esas herramientas. Estan implicados contenidos como “el grupo”, sin movimientos repentinos, la atencion. El entrenamiento se realiza en el estado de sueno. En el estado de despertar podriamos ver que es sobre lo que tenemos que trabajar en el estado de sueno. En mi caso, me ayudo de aquellos habitos de mi maquina que mas aparecen e intento cambiarlos por otros que se alineen mas en la linea de lo que yo considero el trabajo, tales como el servicio o la no expresion de emociones negativas.
The Bardo training is the training that gives us the opportunity to acquire skills and habits to manage in a more effective or “elegant” in the bardos as we transit, or at any time. This training can be done with various tools, games like diablo is one of those tools. They are involved contents as “the group”, without sudden movements, attention. The training takes place in the state of sleep. In the state of awakening could see what is on what we have to work in the state of sleep. In my case, those habits helped me my machine that more appear and attempt to change them by others who line up more along the lines of what I think the work, such as the service or not the expression of negative emotions. (google translation, sorry) – YH, Spain

Bardo training is a specialized method for training the essential self to voyage with eloquence and grace. I have used gaming and workshops (both as participant or student and as help and provider) as tools for bardo training. Bardo training is also training for the machine. Withstanding cleansing radiations is a good attribute or skill to enhance and learn, so I believe increasing tolerance levels for these radiations is part of the training. Most of my training has so far come from gaming with the Institute, using the tools presented by EJ, and being a volunteer helper to the “Riverside Group”, the San Francisco Bardo Training Center, and a student of Koyote. – CF, CA USA

Bardo Training… Is using the video game Diablo to learn how to recognize and move in the different chambers that we are mostly unaware of in our lives as human beings. We learn what it really means to work as a group…to pog. – PG, CA, USA

Preparing ourselves through the use of online gaming for the bardos which are here and now as well as after death. Working in D2 has enables me to see those habits which cause me difficulty in elegantly voyaging through life – fear, pride, greed, all the deadly sins. Believe me, they are deadly. Once observed I can work with them to change them into opportunitues for self-remembering. – JM, USA

Bardo training takes a variety of forms: it can be helping someone else prepare for the bardos, it can be practicing entering the waking state, or it can be learning to accept whatever happens. When I started attending meetings 25 years ago, I had no idea that what I was doing was bardo training. Bardo training can be disguised as something else. Learning to tolerate transitions is also bardo training. I remember when I first took the Reader’s Course for the American Book of the Dead, I had a dream where I walked along a street filled with unusual buildings that looked like stage sets. In the dream, I said to myself: I must be in the bardos. That’s when I realized that I had taken bardo training. – RT, PA, USA

Bardo training is preparation for a state of being–a state of total presence in the present, with true compassion, full acceptance, authentic love and the abilities of an empowered being. – TS, Canada

Functioning and practicing in a variety of conditions and situations so that one can be in the waking state, fully focused, attentive and aware in any, even stressful, condition. – GA, PA, Spain

Preparación para el Viaje. Entrenamiento para el espacio entre vidas. Entrenamiento ahora para darme cuenta que ya y en este mismo momento estoy en los bardos. Besos. Pe. – MG, Spain

Bardo training presents the states a being undergoes when confronting the conditionless conditions of the bardos–the “places” and “scenarios” that take place between the moments of death and the moments of rebirth into a body with its usual run of conditions, places, and scenarios–a lifetime that can be chosen by the being, or not. Bardo training encourages the being–also called the voyager–to not just endure, but to actually develop some understanding and even some enjoyment of the “places that are no place”–that are actually made up of voidness–also called the Clear Light–a subtle brilliantly ubiquitous sentience which the being recognizes as both itself and anything that happens to be going on…Simple recognition can help a being/voyager to become liberated–a great Great! relief for that Being/Voyager (and thus for all Beings everywhere…)
Bardo training helps prepare the being/voyager for a time of extreme stress which includes the dying process itself and the stress of rebirth in one of six basic realms of illusion. – JH, CA, USA

Es el entrenamiento que hacemos para manejarnos en las diferentes cámaras, así como en esta vida, y en las próximas, (supongo) supone un gran estrés. El estar atenta a todo lo que pasa, lo que vea, sin paralizarme. Aunque mi entrenamiento sea poco, es lo que entiendo en estos momentos. Gracias por la pregunta, y perdón por lo tarde que la envío. Es lo primero que pensé y así la dejé. Un saludo – Yayi, Spain

Bardo training is a formalized way of preparing for stressful bardo experiences, both now and in the after life. Bardo training, done in the form of a simulation through computer gaming, forces one to quickly assess his or her habits, reactions and emotions when placed in confusing and fearful situations. The repetition of going through the same spaces and sequence of events, over and over again, not only illuminates ones current habits but allows for the formation of new ones. But only through intense repetition and guidance of those who know the spaces and tasks at each station. The opportunity to give and receive help in these stressful scenarios also offers one the chance at developing humility, courage and gratitude.
Bardo training provides the opportunity to observe in oneself automatic mental and emotional reactions that arise when one feels overwhelmed and afraid. Beyond recognition comes the necessity to change, to develop more practical and conscious actions that contribute to keeping your character (yourself) and your teammates alive. An increased sense of responsibility and connectedness to the team develops. These skills and awarenesses have an immediate effect on life as one currently experiences it. Coping with fear, developing courage, establishing clear, consistent communication with heightened attention, all serve to change ones daily life. The person that takes on bardo training will have immediate effects and will in no way be able to avoid seeing him or herself in a more accurate form.
Bardo training is like meditation, but without the cushy pillows and relaxing visualizations. Take out the “relaxing part” and you can train your mind to stay focused with your full attention even while being attacked and killed (in the computer world at least). You see the chance to start over, “to begin again”, each time you develop a new charachter and set of skills. The importance of the team is undeniable in order to see yourself more clearly. Bardo training demands a flexible team of various types of people who are commited to doing what is right.
Bardo training is a way of life really. It changes everything about how you do anything. – SP, PA, USA

It’s the training that we do to handle the different chambers, as well as this life and the next ones, which (i suppose) entails a lot of stress. being aware of everything that’s happening, everything I see, without getting paralysed. Although I have had little training, this is what i understand at the moment. Thank you for the question and I apologize for the lateness of my response It’s the first thing I thought of and I left it like it is.
>Es el entrenamiento que hacemos para manejarnos >en las diferentes camaras, asi como en esta >vida, y en las proximas, (supongo) supone un >gran estres. El estar atenta a todo lo que pasa, >lo que vea, sin paralizarme. Aunque mi >entrenamiento sea poco, es lo que entiendo en estos momentos. >Gracias por la pregunta, y perdon por lo tarde >que la envio. Es lo primero que pense y asi la deje. >Un saludo – Yayi, Spain

For me Bardo training is a way to wake up…a way to know better my self…a way to answer the only question : ¿ who I am ?…a way to increase my level of conscience…of atention. The point is not what i do … is how i do. I thing that bardo training is a way to know better how i do. – GN, Spain

Bardo Training is an opportunity to work with others in a controlled environment and under specific conditions. Bardo training allows one to observe themselves and others in the group with a variety of circumstances, stresses, challenges and tasks.
By watching the ways one gets in trouble in bardo training offers valuable assistance in self observation, and the tendencies to repeat ones mistakes also gives valuable data about our habits, our inclinations and our weaknesses.
Learning about ourselves and about others in bardo training offers many opportunities for personal growth and observation. – RG, CA USA

bardo training is a way to observe yourself and your mechanisms in life. Is like a mirror, my fears in life are the same I have in bardo training, my good qualities in life showed up also in bardo training. playing with bardo training helps me to work on my real life….. and this is what I am doing now.
It was very clear on me the direction to take during the period of time I played . Unfortunately this is a very hard time here in Italy, ecomnomically and I have to work my head off to at least pay everyting I need for life. I am still paying (almost finished) the money I spent to come to USA my three times and something else I did…..but if you have desire to know and time to read I will write to you a specific letter to describe my actual work in my life here in Italy. I am very happy and there is no bad or good…..everything is an opportunity. Love to all of you an hug to E.J. Gold – AB, Italy

Bardo training is preparation for the next dimension, which in turn, is also actually training and preparation for this dimension as well. I guess it means to focus on the bigger picture, beyond the little physical body of Mary, to remember that I am more than this body. This is done through practice, through guidance and teachings given to us, on how to go about it! Thanks, – MD, Canada

Bardo training is a practice of preparing for time as a voyager, without a body. The training can take place in a body because we are there now. The trick for me is putting that thing that is in my body now, but will be out of my body, “sooner than I think,” in my prime time attention,now. You folk are my guides. – JD, Canada

Bardo Training is a method of preparing people to deal with the Bardos with more attention and consciousness and less reactiveness and to develop habits that will serve that aim. It will also move people towards working for the benefit of all beings everywhere. – GP

Bardo trainning is a way of learning to become familiar with the Bardos (Tibetan – meaning Inbetween). Where one can learn how to not become attracted, seduced, distracted or repelled by the visions and experiences one is faced with in the Bardos which are more then the space between machines but also now. – HM, Canada